Sea Patriot Jet Boat Ride

Panama City Beach, FL
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Experience the ultimate adrenaline rush in Panama City, Florida on the Sea Patriot Jet Boat Ride. Brace yourself for an adventure as you board this high-speed thrill machine, designed to deliver heart-pounding excitement on the water. Hold on tight as a skilled captain leads you through high-speed chases, exhilarating 360-degree turns, daring nose dives, and accelerated twists, leaving you breathless with excitement. With its powerful engines and expert maneuvering, the Sea Patriot promises an unforgettable aquatic adventure filled with adrenaline-fueled thrills and breathtaking moments that will leave you craving more. Book your spot today!

Duration 45 - 50 Min.
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Activity Highlights
  • Enjoy an adrenaline rush with the Sea Patriot Jet Boat Ride in Panama City, Florida
  • Go on high-speed chases, 360-degree turns, nose dives, & more
  • Feel the wind in your hair & spray of the water on your skin
  • Great experience for ages 6+
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Sea Patriot Jet Boat Ride

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