Beach Pass Watersports Package with Beach Chairs and Umbrella
Key West, FL
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Enjoy everything Smathers Beach has to offer with this Beach Pass Watersports Package with Beach Chairs and Umbrella. Capture the magic of Smathers Beach with this all-day Ultimate Beach Pass. This amazing pass offers something for everyone and includes volleyball, paddleboard, windsurfing, kayaking, Hobie Cat Sailboat, beach chair rentals, umbrella rentals, and float rentals. A tremendous value and a great idea for groups, get your Beach Pass and get out on the water today!
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Activity Highlights
- Beach Pass Watersports Package with Beach Chairs & Umbrella in Key West, Florida
- Get out on the water & choose from paddleboarding, sailing, windsurfing & more
- Active & engaging activities perfect for groups & family outings
- Enjoy Smathers Beach with unlimited access to all the perks
- Great activity for everyone of all ages
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Beach Pass Watersports Package with Beach Chairs and Umbrella
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