Felicity Plantation Guided Tour
New Orleans, LA
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Embark on an immersive journey through time on the Felicity Plantation Guided Tour in Vacherie, Louisiana. Learn the captivating history of this working sugarcane plantation and the lives intertwined within its walls. Marvel at the architectural masterpiece, a stunning blend of Greek Revival and Creole influences, constructed between 1844 and 1847. Witness the very grounds where renowned film and TV projects like "The Skeleton Key," "12 Years a Slave," "Underground," and "Filthy Rich" came to life. Book your experience today!
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Activity Highlights
- Immerse yourself in history with a Felicity Plantation Guided Tour in Vacherie, Louisiana
- Listen to a tour guide as they offer fascinating insights into the plantation's past & the intricate workings of the sugarcane industry
- Walk the grounds where renowned film and TV projects like "The Skeleton Key," "12 Years a Slave," "Underground," "Filthy Rich," & more were set
- Leave with a better understanding of the history behind this plantation home
- An enlightening experience for all ages
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Felicity Plantation Guided Tour
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