Beauvoir & the Jefferson Davis Presidential Library

Biloxi-Gulfport, Mississippi

Let's find your adventure!
Mar 4 ~ Mar 10
For many travelers and families, the Beauvoir and Jefferson Davis Presidential Library is a unique place to explore while in town. This amazing landmark in Biloxi offers you an edge-of-your-seat opportunity to learn about Confederate Jefferson Davis and his historic home. Whether you're looking for an immersive dive into Southern heritage or you want to learn more about America’s past, this esteemed destination offers something for everyone.

Featured Activities Near Beauvoir & the Jefferson Davis Presidential Library

Beauvoir & the Jefferson Davis Presidential Library Visitors Guide

Located in Biloxi, MS, the Jefferson Davis Home and Presidential Library is a National Historic Landmark that represents an important piece of American history. It was the residence of Jefferson Davis, during the final years of his life. The Beauvoir mansion has been restored to its 1889 glory, featuring many of its original furnishings. Committed to preserving the property, it contains artifacts, official documents, and other historical elements of Jefferson Davis.

Delve even further into history by visiting the library, showcasing ever-changing temporary exhibits that provide insight into this iconic figure’s life as well as its unique permanent exhibit. The experience is complete when you see what was once an ingenious method for collecting rainwater – the restored cistern behind the mansion! Aside from the mansion and the library, the grounds of the estate are also worth exploring. There’s a garden that’s meticulously maintained, featuring beautiful plants and flowers

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who owns Beauvoir Jefferson Davis Home?

Since 1902, the property has been owned by the Mississippi Division United Sons of Confederate Veterans.

2. Was Beauvoir ever a plantation?

No. Due to infertile soil, the Beauvoir home was never a plantation.

3. How long did Jefferson Davis live at Beauvoir?

Jefferson Davis resided at Beauvoir for the remaining 12 years of his life.

4. Are there descendants of Jefferson Davis?

Yes. His descendants include Samuel Emory Davis, Joseph Evan Davis, Varina Anne Davis, William Howell Davis, Margaret Howell Davis, and Jefferson Davis Jr.


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