Private Crab Island Adventure
Fort Walton Beach-Okaloosa Island, FL
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Embark on an unforgettable Private Crab Island Adventure departing from Fort Walton Beach, Florida, aboard a spacious 34-foot party barge. Dive into fun with 20-foot aqua lily pads and a variety of watersports toys and floats, ensuring endless excitement on the water. Experience the perfect blend of adventure and relaxation as you navigate the sparkling water of Destin's renowned Crab Island. Keep your eyes peeled for marine life as you explore this vibrant underwater world. Join for a thrilling aquatic escapade that promises fun and excitement for all ages. Book your private experience today!
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Activity Highlights
- Cruise on a 34-foot party barge with a Private Crab Island Adventure departing from Fort Walton Beach, Florida
- Experience the crystal-clear emerald water of Crab Island while you float or splash around
- Dive into adventure with an array of watersports toys & floats, including lily pads
- Keep your eyes open for marine life such as dolphins, fish, crabs, & more
- Full customizable trip
- Fun experience for all ages
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Private Crab Island Adventure
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