Pleasantly surprised to get to see these sights, Great trip

October 6th 2021

Let's find your adventure!
Dec 24 ~ Dec 30

The Activity we Experienced

What we chose to do

Pleasantly surprised to get to see these sights, Great trip

How did you discover this activity?

We found TripShock while searching for activities to in Panama City Beach.

When did you book your tour compared to the departure date?

We booked two days in m advance.

Why did you choose this activity?

My husband and I wanted a fun activity for his birthday and neither of us had ever been on an airboat.

How did you get to the activity location?

The activity was a short car ride from the house.

What was your experience with the activity’s staff?

The greeter was super friendly and Cap was fantastic. He was friendly and knowledgeable about the area and boating.

Highlights or memories you and your group will take from the trip?

Cap stopped on the edge of the marsh and explained some things about the ecosystem. He talked about the wildlife and the difference between swamp and marsh. We were able to watch a dolphin play and saw an Osprey nest. We weren’t guaranteed to see any wildlife but we were pleasantly surprised to get to see these sights. He told us there had been a small alligator there a couple of days before that. I wasn’t upset to miss that. Haha

Would you recommend this activity to another group like yours? Why or why not?

This is a great trip for all ages. It is not handicap accessible though so not suitable to wheelchair bound individuals.



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